Redeem your points

Redeem $50 coupon with 1000 points

Redeem $75 coupon with 1500 points

Redeem $100 coupon with 2000 points

How to redeem your points

To use your points as money, simply log into your account, and click on the GREEN CARD button on the bottom right corner.

A pop up window will appear showing your points balance. To redeem your points, select the amount that you desire and click REDEEM. For example, I would like to use my points as $500, so I click on the REDEEM button.

You will be asked to confirm your selection. Just click the green tick (✓) to proceed.

You will then get a discount code for your $500 off. Select COPY to copy the code.

When you get to check out, paste your discount code in the box to apply.

Done. You have redeemed your reward points!