Pegasus Bay Riesling 2019
Sustainability Rating:

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Sustainability Rating =200pts
Made in Hong Kong = 000pts
Made in Asia-Pacific = 100 pts

With its large diurnal range and long lingering autumns, North Canterbury is an ideal playground for Riesling, making it possible to create concentrated wines that still possess favourable acidity and finesse. Our house style involves giving the grapes an extended “hang time” and picking (when possible) with a portion of noble botrytis, to enable our site to express itself harmoniously through this variety. Following harvest, the free run juice was fermented slowly at cool temperatures to help the wine express the unique characters of our region. At all stages, the wine was handled very carefully to help retain a little of its natural carbon dioxide. This has resulted in a small amount of spritzig, which adds extra liveliness to the wine.
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