Green Bottle Gin
Sustainability Rating:

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Read more about our Eco-Credentials for the Rating System.
Sustainability Rating =300pts
Made in Hong Kong = 200pts
Made in Asia-Pacific = 000 pts

This one is going to knock your socks off. Planned for production in 2023, this bottle is going to epitomise everything we stand for and believe in. Using 100% recycled glass and no plastic in any of the labelling or the stopper, we’ll be distilling in Hong Kong to reduce the carbon footprint and using as many locally sourced botanicals as possible to further avoid carbon emissions. Flavour profile is still TBC, as we plan to get your input on what you think tastes best. Subscribe to our mailing list to get the latest updates on this awesome project.
p.s. for now we guess we can only achieve a 3* rating on this bottle, but we’re working hard adding the following elements to bring us up to 5* status: Organic, zero waste and B Corp certification.
附註:目前我們只能為這款瓶子實現3星評級,但我們正在努力增加以下元素,以使我們達到5星級別:有機、零浪費和B Corp認證。
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