Felton Road Cornish Point Pinot Noir 2021
Sustainability Rating:

Sustainability Ratings =400pts
Made in Hong Kong = 000pts
Made in Asia-Pacific= 100 pts

Felton Road farms four properties totalling 34 ha in the Bannockburn sub-region of Central Otago. This wine is from Cornish Point vineyard where the close proximity to Lake Dunstan (surrounded on three sides) creates a unique mesoclimate. Heavy silt soils overlie alluvial gravels interspersed with calcareous seams. Meticulous summer management of a single vertical shoot positioned (VSP) canopy ensures even and early fruit maturity. Shoot thinning, shoot positioning, leaf plucking, bunch thinning and harvest are all carried out by hand to ensure optimum quality fruit. Cover crops are planted between rows to assist in vine balance and to improve soil health and general biodiversity.
14% ABV/ 750ml
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