Felton Road Calvert Pinot Noir 2021
Sustainability Rating:

Sustainability Ratings =400pts
Made in Hong Kong = 000pts
Made in Asia-Pacific= 100 pts

After a moderate winter with normal rainfall, budburst occurred in late September. Flowering commenced in early December as normal, with some rain and temperatures hovering around average. A period of cool evenings raised concerns of a potential poor set. Significant rainfall at the beginning of January and further rain in the middle of the month resulted in more than double the monthly rainfall. This wetter period throughout the phase of cell division resulted in generally larger berries and made-up for potentially lower bunch weights from the uneven flowering conditions. The weather stabilised in February with warmer and much drier conditions; which continued throughout the lead-up, and until the conclusion of harvest. Calvert was harvested on March 26 to April 1.
13.5% ABV/ 750ml
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